If you think about it on a daily basis you are either introducing or being recommended to someone whether it's for employment, medical, financial, legal, even to have your hair styled. Why not use the same tactic to help your child get one step closer to accomplishing their life goals? Let’s help our children get into the University of their choosing. This is a common denominator amongst so many, in terms of preparing our children for college. Just the mere mention of this daunting task brings folks out of the woodwork offering all sorts of tips and their experiences.
We put so much time into researching the school, saving money, locating loans and ensuring our children our ready academically. What about networking? There is nothing like having a network to help you achieve your goals or at least make the initial contact. And while it may take some time and planning to come up with a list of those who are willing to help, it will be well worth it. I'm sure you are saying I do not want to burden someone; however, but you would be surprised how many people are willing to make that phone call or introduce you to other alumni, or someone who is affiliated with the school in some shape form or fashion.
At some point we are all faced with having to send our babies off to school so get up and start talking to your boss, clergy, cousin or aunt…heck people! Reach out to your friends on Facebook. Although, this does not guarantee immediate acceptance into the school; you and your child can certainly benefit from the experiences that the alumni have to share.
Food for thought, while it has become both the norm and necessity for parents to make the initial contacts for their children, it is still up to the student to close the deal.
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1 comment:
We need more people like you Mrs. GrandLife! As a mother of teenagers you inspire me. Beautiful said Mrs Eslyn, I'm going to prepare better today.
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