Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let's Talk About Stress!

Stress is the body's way of responding to demand. It's caused by good and bad life experiences.  When stressed the body releases hormones at higher levels than normal which in turn give us extra energy.  Slightly higher increases in can have a positive effect, giving the body extra energy and temporary boost of strength. Excessive and prolonged amounts can have a negative impact causing several health issues including: high blood pressure, heart attacks and migraine headaches.

Causes of Stress

Survival and Threats
You may have heard of someone say "When I'm backed in a corner I come out fighting" or the phrase "fight or flight".  This is the positive form of stress that is a common response in both humans and animals when faced with danger.

Internal Emotions and Uncertainty 
Do you ever worry about things you have no control over or worry for no reason at all? Internal stress is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage because it is caused by internal emotions. It can occur when you worry about things you have no control over or when you deliberately put yourself in stressful situations. Sometimes it comes from our lifestyle or causes us to live a stressful lifestyle. You can even begin to feel stressed about things that are not stressful.

High demand external and social factors that force you to adjust can be stressful. The negative factors include: pressure from work and family, noise, crowding and lifestyle. However, there are many positive events that can cause this type of stress such as going to college, getting a promotion, buying home and having a baby.
Fatigue and Overwork
This type of stress can take a hard toll on your body. It builds up over long periods of time. It can be caused by over working on your job, school and/or at home. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage your time and events. This has become one of the hardest causes of stress for people to manage and avoid.

Knowing what you’re stressed about is a very important and key in dealing with stress. If you become over whelmed with stress you can become physically and/or mentally sick. If you can identify what is causing your stress this is your first step in dealing with it. Below you find some simple tips on dealing with stress on a daily basis.

Taking a walk is a great way to get out of a stressful situation and release extra energy.  You should stroll and breath slowly to help you calm down. As you walk you will feel your body relaxing.

Relaxing Music
Remember good ole elevator music?  It is meant to help you relax and hopefully you didn't notice how slow the elevator was moving. Some supermarkets play music to help you relax and glide through the aisle hopefully picking up extra items. Keep in mind; you should listen to the type music that makes you comfortable. Experts suggest that it is the rhythm or the beat of the music that has the calming effect.

Have you ever burst out laughing in extremely serious situations? The act of laughing helps your body fight stress in a number of ways. Keeping your sense of humor and having the ability to laugh at yourself will help reduce stressful situations.

Herbal Teal
Drinking a glass of hot herbal tea, chamomile and jasmine are the most popular, can have calming and relaxing effects. Before sipping on the tea close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths. The aroma will relax and help release some of your stress.

Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process results in enhanced physical and emotional well-being will help to clear your mind and relax your body. Try meditation for ten to fifteen minutes at the beginning and end of each day, it will enable to begin and end the day with a clear mind.

Whatever method you choose to relieve stress, you should do it alone. It should be relaxing and something you enjoy. It will make it a little easier for you to deal with the daily stressors in your life.


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