Hello Loves,
Most people hate dieting. Some associate dieting with eating the worse tasting foods imaginable. While others dread the yo-yo effect; they get on "x" diet, loose 25 pounds and gain back 35. For these very reasons, GLD promotes healthy eating choices. Healthy eating choices will have a life long effect. It may take you longer to loose those unwanted pounds when choosing healthy eating. However, when they come off, they will stay off - no yo-yo effect! Most importantly, making healthy eating part of your lifestyle can improve ad maintain our well-being. Even our thoughts and emotions are influenced by our eating habits.
Below are 10 healthy choices that will help boost your energy, fight disease, and make you feel and look great!
1. Protein: Consume protein at every meal, especially in the morning! People who eat the most protein tend to lose more weight while feeling less hungry. It appears that protein is the best nutrient for jump starting your metabolism, squashing your appetite, and helping you eat less at subsequent meals. In the morning, try scrambled eggs or a protein smoothie, instead of a bagel. Remember, protein is more filling than carbohydrates.
1. Protein: Consume protein at every meal, especially in the morning! People who eat the most protein tend to lose more weight while feeling less hungry. It appears that protein is the best nutrient for jump starting your metabolism, squashing your appetite, and helping you eat less at subsequent meals. In the morning, try scrambled eggs or a protein smoothie, instead of a bagel. Remember, protein is more filling than carbohydrates.
2. Serving dishes: Off the table!
3. Bread: Eat rye (not wheat) bread for breakfast toast.
4. Fish: Instead of beef or pork.
9. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it!
10. Snacks: Choose popcorn or walnuts. In a 2009 study, people who ate 1 cup of microwave popcorn, without butter 30 minutes before lunch consumed 105 fewer calories at the meal. Eating a handful of walnuts each day may boost your HDL (good) cholesterol fastest, while lowering your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
10. Snacks: Choose popcorn or walnuts. In a 2009 study, people who ate 1 cup of microwave popcorn, without butter 30 minutes before lunch consumed 105 fewer calories at the meal. Eating a handful of walnuts each day may boost your HDL (good) cholesterol fastest, while lowering your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
great stuff Kia!
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Posted by: Crazy Bulk
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