Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Get your mind right! Part II: Nagging is not attractive!

Hello Loves,

To all the men reading, sorry this one is strictly for the ladies. But, stick around you may find this interesting.

Are you the type to call your man on his cell phone, just to nag and complain? Chewing his ear off about all the things you think he is "suppose" to be doing. Stop whining in his ear ever chance you get. You know what you signed up for, do you think shooting fire every chance you get is going to make him change? Nope, but your constant whining and nagging is going to push him away. Besides, nagging is not attractive.

I've heard women, even psychologists, claim that women nag because men give them reason. Are you people serious?! That is total nonsense. You control your own actions! Just because some one gets on your nerves does not mean you do the same. And, trust me, I understand that you have to set things straight and clarify a situation. You can do that without turning into a drill sergeant. Men do not respond to that type of behavior; it pushes them away and they will start to avoid you. You start looking less and less appealing. So be prepared to be ignored and ducked!

Here's the bigger issue, you know your man and what he is capable of doing. You can stay in denial and pretend like his behavior is a surprise but deep down you knew. You knew before you got married or in the long term relationship that he was a 'ladies man', and the funny thing is you started a relationship with him as the other woman. Ten years later, you are mad because he is still pulling the same stunt! You told him the behavior was acceptable from day one. Why would he change? Why have a child with a man who does no take care of the one's he already have? Then when he does not take of your child, he's a deadbeat. Excuse me, he was a deadbeat a long time ago. What makes your child entitled to be treated different? Or better yet, if he went from his parent's couch to your house, be prepared to continue raising him!

Today's Advice: Repetition does not work with a man. Avoid becoming a nag, it's not an endearing title. Figure out the best way to communicate with him and sit him down and tell him how you feel. Don't turn on the water falls and don't talk at him! Put on your big girl pants and learn how to communicate like a lady!

Part III coming soon!


*Need Advice, have something you would like to share or content you would like me to post - email me at askkia@gld-mag.com.

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