Monday, November 1, 2010

Find an eagle and learn how to soar!

Hello Loves!

Happy Monday! It's the start of a new week, focus your mind and lets get it. There is nothing we can not accomplish, the world is ours. Put your game face on and lets win, win, win!!!

Tomorrow is election day, lets go to the polls and let our voices be heard. Change only happens if we want it and it does not happen over night or because we hope for it. We must take action! Like in all areas of our lives, change and greatness take time. The same concept applies to our government and most everything else. Little steps, like each of us going to the polls, allow the bigger strides to happen, like policy changes! Come on, go to the polls and let them know we plan to win, win, win!!!

I had a fabulous weekend! I was able to get major goals planned out and implemented. I must say this happened because of the team I have around me. When you are starting a new chapter in your life, who are your "real" supporters? You know, the ones that cheer you on every step of the way. The ones that offer their help and support; and really do what they say. Do you realize you are only as good as the company you keep? It is easy to move forward when you surround yourself with positive, like minded individuals. Are you mindful of the company you keep?

The company you keep can make or break your efforts. When you are around positive, goal oriented people; take notice of how your thoughts change. Take notice of how you now feel it's possible to jump the hurdles and kick down the barriers. Don't get me wrong, if you are not a positive person, don't think sitting next to one will automatically make you positive. The law of osmosis does not apply.

If you want to quit smoking, stop hanging around smokers! When you want to clean up your life, stop hanging on the corners. If you are trying to get a promotion, stop gossiping around the water cooler. It is real simple; yet very hard for many.The simple truth is, you will become like those you most closely associate with. If you hang with wild animals, trust and believe, you will end up in the middle of the jungle. Remember the old saying, 'if you hang with eagles, you will learn how to soar'.

Today's Advice: Be very mindful of the company you keep. You must know how to deal and have a relationship with everyone. The wild animal can be anyone, your sibling, favorite cousin or even your best friend from childhood. I am not telling you to disassociate yourself from them because you may be the eagle they need so they can learn to soar. However, you must know their place in your life, even if they don't.

If you have not yet, find yourself an eagle and learn how to soar!! There is enough room in the sky for everyone!


P.S. Have you told your friends about Grand Life Daily? Remember to spread the word!

*Need Advice, have something you would like to share or content you would like me to post - email me at

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