Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get your mind right! Part I: Stay in your lane!

Hello Loves!

It's Election Day! Make sure you get out and make a difference. Let elected officials know that we run the country and we have a say in which direction the country heads!

How many woman do you know are looking for a man with money? She is not really concerned about how he treats her or how he behaves, she just wants to know how deep his pockets run! How many men do you know are more concerned with a trophy woman and less concerned with the stupidity that comes out her mouth? I guess, he thinks he will sew her mouth shut in front of his family and colleagues. Why do you constantly look for a dime when you are a four!

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being a four but you will be much happier if you found yourself another four! The men and women I mentioned above, 90% of the time those types are looking for each other. A man will use his money to attract the best eye candy he can find, not a beautiful woman because she is too much trouble. Eye candy will accept whatever treatment because she wants the most fabulous lifestyle his money could buy. She would just endure any mistreatment because her eye is on the prize....marriage with no prenup! And, if that does not work marriage with at least one child, so she could live out her superficial dreams and the sacrifice is her dignity. Do you notice that most rich, less than average looking, and usually very short men (you know the ones with a Cesar Complex) always have a nice piece of eye candy on their arm?

And ladies, if you don't have anything to offer up in a relationship why are you always looking for a man with money? Don't you think you should be good for something other than being a dependent on his tax returns. And seriously, I don't mean to break it to you, you are not that great in the bed! You don't have a pot of gold in between your legs; because if you did you wouldn't pull back your sheets for the highest bidder! And then you have the nerve to allow the most average jokers on the planet to buy their huge ego from you!!!! Woman like you are the reason the game is so messed up now!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have the finer things in life - just work for them! Why not find you a good man, that will treat you right and you guys can build an empire together. Oops, I'm sorry, that requires you to have a brain, guess that won't work! And we already know that these men had no choice but to get as rich as possible so that they can try and buy themselves all the happiness and sex, they could never get other wise!

Attention all fours: you probably have never experienced a true dime and never will. A real dime can not be bought and not all have deep pockets!! Just when you thought you hit the jackpot fulled with platinum nothing but copper runs out!  If I told you once, I will tell you a thousand times - get your minds right!!!!!

Today's Advice: This is actually the advice of my close friend's husband, "Stay in your lane! If you are a four be realistic and get with another four!" That's why the divorce rates are sky high because people who belong in the slow lane always trying to zoom over in the left lane. If you are a four STOP chasing after a dime!

I am thinking about starting a dating service, where I can match up all the fours with fours and eights with eights and so on. The divorce rate would probably drop to a single digit.

Part II coming soon!


P.S. Have you told your friends about GLD? Remember to spread the word!

*Need Advice, have something you would like to share or content you would like me to post - email me at askkia@gld-mag.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear, I feel like everyone, men and women need to read this!!! I'm going to wait for part 2!