Monday, November 8, 2010

Are You Equipped For The Storm?

Hello Loves,

HAPPY MONDAY!!!! Let's take what we learned last week and make this week a even better. You ready to go out there and get it?! Let's go and win, win, win!!!

Life is full of wonderful possibilities. You never know your true will and strength until you are going through the storm. It is very easy to appear strong and indestructible when the sun is shining but the true test will come in the midst of the storm. Are you equipped for the storm?

When times get tough and your back is against the wall, dig deep within and grab hold of the strength and endurance that we all have in us. Do not allow yourself to feel defeated and overwhelmed because you can do anything! The voice that whispers, or possibly screams, in your ear, "you can't", is a liar!! You were given the tools to make all things possible.

Yes, you may attempt and fail; but that failure is apart of your destiny. It is apart of the blueprint of your success. Anyone who has achieved the extraordinary have also had extraordinary failure. The difference between the achievers and those who have not achieved, is the achievers got up, dusted themselves of and kept going.

Today's Advice: Keep on moving and don't stop! We are all here to achieve greatness, claim what is already yours!!!

Tomorrow, Part II of the 'Get your mind right' series. If you haven't yet, check out Part I: Stay in your lane! You are NOT going to want to miss what I have coming next!


P.S. Have you told your friends about Grand Life Daily? Remember to spread the word!

*Need Advice, have something you would like to share or content you would like me to post - email me at

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