Hey Loves,
Have you ever tried to start a new business and get the support of your family and close friends? What is one of the first questions the majority of them ask? Do you have the type of people that will give you 100% support by purchasing, using and/or spreading the word of your new venture? Or are you stuck, like the majority of us, with the ones looking for a hook up - you know the "Family and Friends Discount".
How many people do you know brag about their latest Louis or Chloe but will not spend $200 in your small boutique? People give so much free advertising to brands they have no connection with, other than obtaining social status. If you gave 5% of the time and dollars given to high-end designers and department stores; do you realize, you've just helped your family/friend become a millionaire!
What really drives me crazy is when someone wants the product or service for little cost or free! Would you ask Vera for a "hook up"? No, you go to her with every dime, not a penny short! Why not treat the ones that are close to you with the same courtesy?!!! Support the people who really need the support! Do you think your purchase is really going to make or break a multi-billion dollar industry? Instead of tweeting about how "fly" you think you are with your new Cavali, tweet about how you just purchased a skirt from your cousin's hot new line! Update your status about a new product/service your family/friend has and not the latest gossip or song verse!
Today's Advice: Get your mind right! To death with the 'Family & Friends Discount'!
I likes, true statement. :). Keeping my first post short to make sure it goes through lol.
Kia, do you think this is an issue for everyone or just black people? I ask cause it always seems like the asians, whites, even the hispanic population tend to support each other and each other's ventures more than we do.
While there appears to be more family support amongst other ethnicities, black people always appear to be in competition with each other, and those who can't compete would rather support someone other than the person closest to them who's doing the damn thing. We have so much talent within the black community yet all we aspire to do is tear each other down while building others up, others who could give 2 shits if they had our support or not. I'm just sayin lol.
Yes, I concur, as you well know - with all you've said.
Ni, that's a great observation and I think you nailed with the competitive mentality we seem to have. One thing to note, our brothers and sisters from Africa support one another, so it seems to only afflict those of us 4 and 5 generations removed from Africa, living here in America.
Perhaps it stems from slavery, in that we were made to compete with one another for the various reasons. If we were dark skinned, we competed with the light skinned to get into the big house; if we were tall and strong we competed with those short and weak to be of any value to the plantation.
As a result it not only pitted us against one another, but we also came to hate ourselves (or other versions of ourselves) and I think a lot of that has carried over into how we look at ourselves today. We tend to always reach for that blond blue-eyed doll versus the one that looks like us in order to define beauty. Somehow, by associating with (or in this case buying) people (or products) that are not FUBU, we can temporarily forget who we are. Moreover, we seem to think that the bag we just bought for $3,000 is some kind of magic stick that makes everyone else forget who we are too.
I think I'm leading into another topic, but somehow I feel it all relates.
Standing up on that auction block:
If that other black man is successful, somehow it makes me unsuccessful and the "white man" is going to choose them over me.
I don't know, just my two cents...perhaps only worth one...
Right on point I love it, let get the Dr Woods products moving....
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