Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 25 - Put your game face on!

Hey Loves!

Happy Monday!! Let us make this week productive. Some may take small steps, while others make huge leaps. Whatever your movements are, let them be forward. There is no time to stand still or redo yesterday. Now, put your game face on and let's win, win, win!!!!

Often times we get discouraged when life does not go our way. At times you may even feel defeated, like you can not catch a break. You feel the weight of your world sitting on your shoulders. Well, when life throws you lemons, don't just stand there and let them hit you! Catch them, add some sugar and make the sweetest pitcher of lemonade!

Life is a series of events that leads up to the grand finale. Your grand finale, will be awesome or filled with regrets, depending on how you dealt with all the events that were handed to you. Yes, with great times there will be a lot of not so great ones too. I don't like to call them bad because life is only what you make it. How you view life, is most often how you view the reflection when you look in the mirror.
You may have a bad hair day or a blemish may appear on your face. When these things happen we just adjust, make due and keep on moving. This is the same approach you must take when road blocks appear in life. Maybe you did not get that promotion or you were not able to seal the deal. You can not give up and feel like a victim. You have to keep right ahead and kick that barrier down; some of us may have to come up with a whole new action plan. Just as that opportunity came, another even greater one, will come when it's your due season.

Today's Advice: Whatever your plight is today, put a smile on your face and keep on stepping! Live for today and make strides to overcome whatever happened yesterday. Live like there will be no tomorrow, keep pushing like today is your last.Yesterday was the past and today is a present!

Are you ready or are you still feeling like a victim?!


P.S. The devil wears Prada but the angels do too!!!

*Need advice? Email me at

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