Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26 - Take back your peace of mind!

Hello Loves,

We are in the age of being able to get whatever we want. And, oh how I love the world, it's my playground and more there is than enough success out there for all of us to achieve. In order to take on the world, we need to get fit. But what we are not realizing, is before we can eat healthy and exercise, we have to get our minds right! And the best way to get your mind right is through mediation, it will help you to take back your peace of mind!

I never realized that I may have being practicing meditation for years. Each day, I take time out to just sit still, relax and remove all thoughts from my mind - the fundamentals of meditation. I have now learned the actual practice of meditation and it has changed my view and my approach on life. People always ask me why I am in such a great mood, especially first thing in the morning, and I never realized it's because I took the time to get my mind right, literally. Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process results in enhanced physical and emotional well-being.

Today's Advice: Learning to meditate could be the first step toward a healthy lifestyle. Each morning when you rise and each night before you got to bed, take a few minutes to meditate.  Try it for 7 days, and tell me how you feel.

How can you really commit to exercise, eating healthy or anything if you are not in a healthy state of mind? I am challenging all of you to practice meditation for 7 days. If you are willing to take the challenge, email me kia@grandlifedaily.com.

Meditation for Beginners - If you have access to Exercise TV, Mallika Chopra has a great 'Morning Meditation' episode. It takes 4 minutes, which perfect for beginners and people on the go. As you learn to relax and let go of the stress, you will find yourself spending more and more time practicing meditation.


P.S. Let's get our minds right!

*Need advice? Email me at kia@grandlifedaily.com.

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