Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 22 - Choose to be happy

Hey Loves,

Hello to the weekend, TGIF!!

Why do you get angry? What causes your frustration? What is the reason behind your joys? We so often blame others for our actions, or in many cases our reactions. We place our happiness or unhappiness in their hands. Take control and responsibility for our own actions, for your happiness or unhappiness. We can not control another person, just ourselves. You make or break your happiness - choose to be happy.

People are always going to be who they are, no matter how many times you talk to them or ask them to change. So why get up upset when they are just being themselves. We must accept those in our lives, those that are here for a lifetime and those who we only cross for ten seconds and never see them again. A person may hurt or upset you. What you must understand is that 99% of the time it is their own issues and have nothing to do with you. They may use you as the excuse but deep down, and never to be told to you, they know that is not the case.

Make a promise to yourself that you will take accountability and control of you and will not attempt to control another.There is now way to think rationally when you are upset. Once you realize that you are in control of your feelings then choose to be happy. Choose your peace and your sanity.

Today's Advice: Do not allow another person to make or break your happiness. Remember the old saying, misery loves company! BE HAPPY!

On Monday, I am starting a 21-day detox. Each day I will update you on how it's going. If you would like to start it with me, and are willing to commit to the entire 21 days, email me today at I will provide you with the information.

Peace and Blessings! Enjoy your weekend, back on Monday.


P.S. Need advice? Email me at

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