Monday, June 27, 2011

Charity Shea Talks About "Single Ladies"

Grand Life Daily caught up with Charity Shea. Charity co-stars, as April on the new VH1 romantic comedy "Single Ladies".

GLD: Tell us about April.
Charity: April has found the perfect man for the ideal marriage. But she is learning that marriage might not be happily ever after. She is someone who is doing a lot of soul searching. She gets caught up in a vulnerable moment and she now has to navigate through her life and figure out what she wants. 

GLD: What was is like playing the role of a cheating spouse?
Charity: It was interesting. I really have not been in the position: a, I am not married; and b, I haven’t had to apologize.  I haven’t made the mistake that April has made, so I had to kind of see her point of view. I am usually the one in Darryl’s position, saying ‘how dare you?’ It was interesting playing that angle of it. In playing any character you have to find their point of view and understand it. I kind of learned a lot and it was interesting and a lot of fun to come from that point of view. I think there are sometimes underlying reasons of why people do what they do. And I don’t think it makes people bad, they just have their reasons. I love that the characters are flawed and then they work through them [flaws].

GLD: How do you feel women relate to April?
Charity: I feel women can relate to April because around that age [25] a lot pf people go through different things in life, and it may not be that particular thing. Maybe made a decision in their career or relationship and they think life was headed in one direction and all of sudden it flips. They have to reinvent themselves, figure out what they want. April has never really been on her on; she has been married to Darryl for a long time. It was right from high school into Darryl’s house. She was never on her own or has had a chance to discover herself. I think a lot of people can relate to trying to figure out who they are at that age. Things change, you think you have everything figured out sometimes and then it completely switches and I think that it’s great that April doesn’t just want to settle she wants to find happiness.

GLD: What was the chemistry like working with two leading and handsome men like Common and Anthony Montgomery?
Charity: (Laughing) It was amazing of course. When Common looks at you, his eyes are so striking and they kind of look right through your soul. It is intimidating in a good way. When I was working with him I completely forgot my lines; just the way he talks and he looks at you and then he is right in your face. In one scene he just grabbed me and threw me against the wall and it wasn’t written so I just completely lost my cool (laughs). I think Common is cool and he has an essence about him that I love, so that was a lot of fun. 

Anthony and I are really good friends, he has a great soul. I love the way we play and dissect scenes.  From the moment I met him he treats me like a wife, so we would have that connection. You basically meet somebody and then you are suppose to be in love for seven years. It’s like how do you get there when you just met a person. He’s a great guy, I adore him and he has a fantastic body. Very sexy guy and I had a lot of fun working with Anthony.

GLD: Is Common as sexy in person as he appears on screen?
Charity: (Laughing)Yes, absolutely!

GLD: How do you feel about single ladies being compared to girlfriends and sex in the city?
Charity: It’s fine. I personally think we are our own unique show. It has some of the ideas of Sex in the City and Girlfriends like relationships, sex and girlfriends. I just think that our show has a different feel and it’s more urban. I am watching as the audience watches. The feel of the show and the characters are unique. Single Ladies makes you want to have girlfriends! 

GLD: What was it like working with Stacey Dash and LisaRaye?
Charity: It was a lot of fun, I learned a lot from Stacey and LisaRaye. LisaRaye kind of took me under her wing. She took my out and helped me with some of the business side. She is very sweet; we are very good friends. LisaRaye has such a great energy and has a really, really big heart. She is the mother hen - she looks out for everybody not just me, everybody. She is really sweet. 

And Stacey, I only know her from the set.  She is a very committed actress and very professional at work. Learned a lot working on scenes with her; however I never hung out with her, she usually left on the weekends. She is a lot of fun to work with.

GLD: Have you had the chance to meet Queen Latifah and what was that like?
Charity: We were at a table read and a few walked in a few minutes late. It was colder and they were wrapped in big jackets and scarves so I really didn’t pay close attention and continued with the read.  We were done and we were getting up to leave and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I am talking with DB [Woodside] and Anthony [Montgomery] and I turn around assuming it was another actor or friend and it’s Queen Latifah.  She was hiding in this huge jacket and I had no idea she had attended the table read. I was so nervous, I blocked out. She introduced herself and was like really good job and I was just standing there sort a stuck for words. 

GLD: From April’s point of view, what does living grand mean?
Charity: Before she had a great house, great clothes, she had money, Darryl had money and that was living grand. And now living grand for April, without giving away too much, living grand to her is now coming down to her happiness, building her career, her morals. She is finding out there is more to life other than hanging out, having lots of money. She now wants a lot more out of life. Living grand is more about integrity, there is some stuff that she is going to start doing that I can’t give away; but she gets to discover and find herself. The new things that she is getting into and her friendships are whats grand for her.

You can watch 'Single Ladies' every Monday on VH1 at 9PM ET/PT.

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