Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968
At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of "I have a dream", possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson's cry, "Tell them about the dream, Martin!"
*According to Wikipedia.
1963 March on Washington Fun Facts
- Official name, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
- It took place in Washington DC, on Wednesday, August 28, 1963, starting at The Washington Monument and ended at The Lincoln Memorial
- At the time, it was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington, DC history
- The march was initiated by A. Philip Randolph
- It took place on the 100th Anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation
- Josephine Baker was the only female speaker.
- The leaders of the march asked for:
- $2 minimum wage for all workers
- the end of segregation in public schools
- protection of civil rights workers from police brutality
- self government for Washington, DC (at the time it was governed by Congress)
- The march facilitated the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964