Monday, December 27, 2010

Remember To Show Your Appreciation

Hey Loves,

When you show your appreciation you recognize the value, quality, significance and of people and things. It is a simple expression of gratitude. One of the most important qualities of maintaining a healthy relationship is showing honest and sincere appreciation. People tend to be more open and understanding when their efforts are recognized; and more devastated when they go unnoticed. Do you show appreciation to the people most important in your life?

You tend to, unconsciously, take advantage of those closest to you. For some reason these are the people you slight the most; perhaps it’s because of comfort and the arrogance of feeling like they will always be there for you. These are the very people that sacrifice everyday to help you succeed. When you are working long hours in hopes of obtaining that promotion, your family is home sacrificing. Your spouse is home taking care of the children and home; going to the games and plays alone. You miss out on many life events. You will never be able to get those moments back, all in the name of trying to get that promotion.

Slow down and take a look at all you have right now. Appreciate the fact that your small child can climb into your bed at 4:00am; in 10-15 years they will barely acknowledge your existence. These are the moments that you cannot get back and you will regret later in life. We are all on a journey to reach a goal; some of us just look straight ahead and never enjoy the sights on the way. It is those who are able to veer off from time to time, taking the scenic view, who are able to appreciate and really enjoy all life has to offer.

Today’s Advice: When you achieve a major goal, the satisfaction is only temporary; you will then be on to the next goal. Take some time to recognize the quality and significance of the journey. Smell the roses and take time to enjoy the people who mean the most to you. And always remember to show your appreciation.

~ Kia

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Anonymous said...

I guess that's the way of the world!!! It's good to be made aware of our human flaws and all... Appreciation, whether token or spoken is very important.

Anonymous said...

you're absolutely right.

you know, everything we are is a direct result of where we have been and the people/situations that have come in and out of our lives - good or bad. (i'm sure this is a quote of someone brilliant...)

lately i've tried to find a way to express my appreciate to certain people in my life, whom without, i'm not sure i would be here.

just saying i'm blessed to have even known these people would be an understatement. and it's not always about recognizing someone who gave me some tangible object, but rather someone who was just there. someone who loved me no matter how ugly i got, no matter how blinded i was, no matter how ignorant my actions were. someone who was there to tell me what i needed to hear.

but it does start with recognizing it for yourself. that's the first step. also, taking a look at what you and your family gave up to get to where you are - these are usually the most significant and the most overlooked. you are absolutely right kia.

i feel like i'm rambling now... hope i'm making sense...

great post.


Anonymous said...

Well said!!! Your words are inspiring!!!