Monday, November 22, 2010

Look within and find your best self!

Hello Loves,

It is easy for us to examine and point fingers at the behaviors of others and much more difficult to take the time to truly look inside, to analyze our own behaviors. Do you take time for introspection? Introspection is the examination and analysis of your own thoughts and feelings, a look within. Today, we are going to start to look within and find our best self!

Let's face it; we all analyze ourselves to some degree. Some of us feel uneasy and insecure about what we discover while others are very interested and even fascinated about what they discover. Those who feel uneasy and insecure are focusing on the negative things about themselves. They constantly question their behavior, feeling and self worth. These people are more prone to poor self image and sadness. Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how you acted in a past situation; rehashing the things you've said and done? This is the result of that uneasy attention you are paying to yourself. This leads to becoming obsessively preoccupied with yourself, in other words self-absorbed. The major difference in those who are fascinated with themselves, is they are able to actively examine every part of themselves, both positive and negative. They are genuinely curious and interested in learning more about their inner thoughts and feelings and becoming a better person.  These traits are the essence of self reflection.

Self reflection enables us to learn who we really are, what makes us tick. It empowers us to attain clarity and personal growth. When we are able to recognize and accept our traits (both the positive and negative), we can more effectively monitor and modify our behavior and interactions with others. You will find yourself acting instead of reacting because you are more in tuned with, and in control of, yourself.   You must know who you are in order to define who you will become. Take a look in the mirror and really "see" yourself. Look past the physical you, gaze into your eyes and look at your soul. What do you see? Are you content with the reflection? 

Today's Advice: Be honest with yourself. Focus on your entire being, everything that makes you, you. Be truthful about all your feelings and thoughts. Accept your strengths and weaknesses, these are the first steps in becoming a better you! 


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