Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Get Your Mind Right! Part IV - Recognize your love!

Hello Loves,

People spend so much time in search of a mate; waiting and longing to be loved. Feeling as if, they are not complete until this mystical being shows up and rescues them from loneliness. They cling to any and every relationship hoping love will just, up and run in to their arms. Then one day, you are having dinner with him/her and realize you are still lonely. The void and emptiness are still there and will not go away. The void is there because the person you really need to receive love from has been there all along. You just have not recognized him/her; you have not recognized yourself!

The greatest love, and also the most difficult love, to achieve is the love within you; for you.  There is a tendency to look toward external love and approval in order to fulfill the voids from within. You place unrealistic expectations in the hands of another person. You must get in tune with yourself. The feelings you have for yourself are the same ones you will receive from another person. When you do not love yourself, people can sense it. Even if you try to hide, remember I told you before, you cannot hide from yourself.  

There are plenty self help books, websites, seminars and the list goes on and on, you could look into to help with some sort of step-by-step guide to achieving self-love. They will even delve back into your childhood and blame it on your upbringing. Even if you visit this very site on a different day, I may offer you the same but not today! Today, I am telling you to get yourself together. Stop feeling sorry for yourself because, quite frankly, you are starting to look sorry! Stop pushing your insecurities off and on to your mate or perspective mate. Pick yourself up and stop blaming this person and that person, take some accountability. Haven't you noticed it's not getting you any place? If you want different results then you have to do different things. And you can start by simply, getting your mind right!! You are pushing every person out of your life! Misery loves company but so does love.

Today's Advice: How do you expect to find love when you don’t love yourself? Love is in search of love.  Your own love is the greatest love you will ever receive or never achieve.


*Need Advice, have something you would like to share or content you would like me to post - email me at askkia@gld-mag.com.


eslyn said...


Anonymous said...

I feel inspired! As if I just listened to Whitney Houstons "Greatest Gift" for the first time. Nice Piece Mrs. Grandlife!