Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 14 - Keep Your Hands To Yourself!

Hey Loves,

I teach my son to never hit a girl and most importantly to keep his hands to himself. He is taught to fight with his words not his hands. For some reason, there is always some girl that chooses to hit him. As he is now in middle school, the girls just mess with him because they know he will not hit them back. Why is it acceptable, in our society, for a girl/woman to hit a boy/man? And if that boy/man hit her back he is labeled an abuser.

Let me just get to the point, parents of little girls need to teach them to keep their hands to themselves. It is not acceptable to hit anyone for any reason. And, if you are bold enough to hit someone, be prepared to be hit back. The boy/man with the most self control can react involuntarily. By no means am I condoning violence against females; however, someone needs to tell you females to keep your hands to yourself; teach your daughters the same thing. Quite frankly, I am tired of them hitting my son! Teach you daughter to behave like a proper young lady! Teach them to use their minds and their words - that's one of the best life lessons you can teach a child.

Today's Advice: Ladies, lets act like ladies and teach our girls the same. There is really no since in acting like you can whip a man because when he knocks you out then he is going to be the one that is wrong. I can post some etiquette tips on how a proper lady should behave!!

Don't be mad at me, be mad at the little animal you are raising!




Unknown said...

Very well Said! I've been saying this for years. My brother used have this same problem and although he wouldn't dare to hit a female it would really piss me off. I'd always tell him not to hit a female but if a female feels like she can beat a male then she may need to be taught a lesson!

Trina said...

It totally agree!! People need to realize the saying "don't do to others what you don't want done to you" is a fact. I honestly feel no matter what the circumstance is IF you put your hands on someone nothing exempts you from getting hands put back on you.

So, ladies if you can't keep your hands to yourself PLEASE know you deserve to get hit back. No one male or female deserves to be abused!

nb said...

I'm sorry, but the "animal you're raising" comment made me crack up.

I agree with all of you - don't hit someone unless you're prepared to take a L.

I know you've probably already on the ball with this, but if there are PTA meetings for the school, I would go and and bring this up. (Do they still do PTA meetings? Or is that just on tv?)

Honestly, I have no clue what I would do, since I've entrusted you to raise my kids... so hope you're work'n it out.


eslyn said...

I agree with you all. I have always taught my son never hit a girl or young woman back or first, and was told by many that was a punk move. I of course never listened-- my thoughts have always been I am raising a man and as Kia said the power of the tongue is "MIGHTY". The impression words last much longer in ones mind than the bruise they will sustain from being hit.

@Kia - tish is correct LMAO at the comment you made "animal you're raising".

Nadine said...

My son has been taught not to hit girls/women; however, by all means that does not mean he can't shake the crap out of her...if she putting hands to him. ;)