Monday, July 16, 2012


Photo Credit: Timothy Saccenti

He might have seven Grammy awards behind him and millions of adoring fans, but Usher claims it's the simple things in life that put a smile on his face.

"I love to be in settings where people are really just enjoying themselves," he answers, when asked what makes him laugh.

"I love when people sit around and kind of debate a point. It's funny because you get a chance to understand the perspective of life and people as the result of listening to a kind of round table discussion over an issue - something that was in the paper, something that was on the radio, something that was talked about, you know? It could be boxing, sports, a referee's call, a specific athlete that did something. I think I enjoy that more than anything."

And Usher's social circle extends online.

"Twitter is cool. Sometimes I am able to talk directly to my fans, I actually will Tweet directly to them. And then other times I just send a general message," he explains.

"It's really cool to be able to have that connection. You know, earlier in my career it was only fan letters that would allow you to make that connection and by the time you're at like page six of one fan letter you're like, 'Man, I don't know if I'm going to make it through all of these.' But to have these kind of 90 or something characters or 62 characters to really kind of have a little conversation, it's cool."

The man famed for his footwork is also teaching his fans to dance - via the launch of Xbox 360's "Dance Central 3" later this year.

"It gives you an opportunity to learn but also be recreational at the same time and it also allows kids to move. Really cool, you know?" Usher elaborates.

"But, you know, some things are a little bit harder than other ones, you know? Krumping? Not for everybody!"

And he should know - the 33-year-old came unstuck whilst getting to grips with the moves.

"Anwar Burton and Todd Sams, my choreographers at the time, they brought this style, this movement called clowning and krumping," he recalls.

"I'm like, 'Man, it looks tribal, it looks like we're kind of warriors getting ready to go into war and this is kind of like a war dance' and I really got into it. But I think I got into it too much and I threw my back out."

Usher's "Looking 4 Myself" album is out now.

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