Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Health Benefits of Sex

Who knew sex had health benefits? Well it does; at least for those who are practicing safe sex with one partner. Having sex at least three days a week has many health benefits. For example, a person who has sex three times a week has a 50% more chance of mortality than a person who has sex only once a month.  When performed well you will receive great pleasure and even more health benefits. 

Here are five health benefits that will make you think twice about saying “not tonight”. 

Relieve Stress and Sleep Better
Stop and think about this, after an orgasm you tend to feel more relaxed, calm and happy. Sex promotes harmony in couples, regulates behavior and improves memory. Men tend to be less aggressive and gentler. Women tend to become bolder (sexually) and less inhibited. Most people who practice and enjoy regular sex, state that they sleep much better and feel alive and refreshed throughout the day.  

Great Exercise
Sex, like any other physical activity, will increase the heart rate, burn calories, increase blood circulation and oxygen to the cells. You can burn more than 100 calories per half hour for lazy sex and double to triple that for more rigorous sessions. Now do the math, if you have sex at least three times a week for half an hour, that is an additional 300-900 calories burned per week.

Live Longer
During sex your body releases the hormone DHEA; which ensures energy, vitality and the health of most body functions. During orgasm or just before ejaculation, levels of DHEA in the bloodstream are five times the normal level. High levels of DHEA have been associated with longevity, enhanced libido, building muscle mass and warding off depression.

Improve Intimacy
Orgasms increase the level of the “love” hormone, oxytocin, which helps to build trust and bonds. Experts say that a woman's oxytocin levels increase after warm contact with her partner and the more contact the higher the oxytocin levels. Higher levels of oxytocin will induce sexual desire and increase the frequency of sexual encounters. The increased desire will lead to more caressing, stroking and cuddling, which promote the feelings of nurture, love and care.

It also has been linked with feeling generous. So if you’re suddenly feeling more generous or notice your partner being more so than usual, thank the love hormone.

Pain Reliever
As oxytocin secretes, endorphins are released which naturally lessen pain. This can alleviate the pain of everything from headaches (including migraines) to arthritis. Oxytocin is even a natural antibiotic against harmful bacteria and uterine infection.

Now don’t go running to your partner waving this article in their face. Just because you are having sex, does not mean you are having great or even good sex. This article is not for those two minute sessions, you know in and out! It's for the lovers, the ones that enjoy giving and receiving great pleasure. Remember to spice it up! If you need help, refer to the article “Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life”.