Monday, December 6, 2010

Good Bye Complacency!

Hey Loves!

Happy Monday! We have 25 days left in 2010. What have we learned? What can we do better? How are we going to make 2011 even greater than 2010? These are all questions we must ask ourselves in order to make positive forward moving strides. Take some time to think about it.

In 2010, you achieved some long term goals such as, getting an advanced degree, starting a business, getting married and starting a family. Now that these goals are accomplished, what's next? Many of us do not have another plan; we do not step into the next phase and set up new long term goals. We become complacent with what we have and who we've become. Let's enjoy our accomplishments and bask in our glory of overcoming the odds. However, let's work on leaving even more foot prints in the sand. Do away with complacency and let’s tackle the impossible.

Complacency is marked by unaware self-satisfaction. Unaware of the negative consequences, we no longer venture to pursue gain. So many people start to believe that they have done enough in life and no longer need to accomplish more. When we become complacent we unconsciously check out on life. We quit on our families, careers, businesses, and most of all ourselves. 

When you find yourself becoming complacent, challenge yourself? Challenge is the enemy of complacent. Get moving and start to make new strides. There is always room for growth no matter what you accomplish. We as human beings will never achieve perfection. Although, we must constantly seek it with the understanding that we will never achieve it. Ideal time is not time well spent.

Complacency occurs in every part of life. You are a great person but how can you become a great listener, lover and motivator. Being a spouse and parent is like being a chameleon, we must adapt and change with the times and situations. Your small business is running well however, new methods must be explored in order to keep your employees happy and satisfied. 

Let's get moving! It is time to stop wallowing and start swimming again. Take action to seek growth every single day. Life is a relay, we pass the baton to the next generation, and the goal line is eternity. The baton is signified as motivation, the biggest challenge of participating in a relay is holding on to the baton. In the case of life, it is holding on to and passing the momentum of motivation to keep moving. Are you prepared to pass the baton? 

Today's Advice: I am not telling you to discount your achievements; be proud and honored that you had the opportunity to accomplish great things. However, understand that your work is never done. What's next? Now, that you have the tools, how will you make a profound difference in the lives of others? Will your foot prints be so shallow, they will wash away with the first tide? Or are they so deep, not even a tsunami could wipe them away?!

~ Kia

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