Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get your mind right! Part V: Trust yourself!

Hey Loves,

When the word trust is heard, it is commonly associated with the relationship between people. We tend to focus on the trust we have, or don't have, for others. We forget to recognize and build trust within ourselves. Before you can trust another, you must first learn and build that very trust within yourself. Some people do not have the ability to trust themselves. Do you trust yourself?

Trust is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth in someone or something. It's the confidence we place in ourselves, people and things. Trust can be a double edged sword; with it, we attain inner peace and without it, we go through the deepest turmoil. Trust is a learned emotion and unfortunately, everyone is not taught how to trust.

Trusting ourselves is most important, especially in the world we live today. Some people are too quick to incorporate the opinions and ways of others; too eager to please and too willing to change to seek the acceptance and positive response of others. Or we have those who were never shown or taught how to trust. This leads to a life relying on others, good or bad, to shape who we are and will become. You become dependent on the direction of others, unable to make a single choice for yourself and lacking the trust of your own judgment.

There is one real easy way to learn to trust you, stop asking and seeking the acceptance of others. Stop blaming the experiences in your childhood for your current insecurities and trust issues. Your childhood does not have to define the person you become. We do not choose our family or the circumstance in which we were born into; however, we do choose who we become. At some point you have to stop the blame game and self pity and man up! Or woman up, whatever your gender, you get the picture. Stop being so weak and insecure; stop making the people in your life responsible for whom and what you've become. Look into yourself and teach yourself, ask yourself! Take some time to figure out what YOU think. Set your fears aside, the fear of making the wrong decision. Please believe that we ALL make the wrong decisions at times, including the very people you are seeking approval from. Take back that part of yourself you gave up!

Today’s Advice: Please don't get your huge ego confused with trusting yourself. Trusting yourself is an inner certainty and confidence; it's not loud and boastful (that is the front put up when you don't trust). If you don't trust yourself, you cannot trust others.  And don't think as soon as you finish reading this article you will automatically start trusting yourself - I am not a miracle worker! I do encourage you to take ownership of your life; stop being so needy and insecure and living in fear!

"Don't trust me to show you beauty...Don't trust me to show you the truth...Don't trust me to show you love...If you need somebody to trust, trust yourself", those are the words of Bob Dylan. Think about it!!!!


*Need advice? Have something you would like to share? Email me at askkia@gld-mag.com.

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