Friday, November 12, 2010

Fashion Friday: Your new BFF & What type of girl are you?

Hello Fashionistas & Fellow Beautiful People!

I'm Shakeem Ramel, aka "a girls bestfriend". I will be your new guide to the inside world of fashion. Showing you how to stay  current , modern and flawlessly chic without breaking your pockets. Well, most of the time (wink, wink). Fashion means different things to different people. For me it is all about your personality. What makes you different, sets you a part. What makes you stand out in a room full of people, even when your not trying. If you are in search of a change in your wardrobe, fashion rescue or you want to be a part of the fashion world and have comfort too - search no more, I'm your guy!!! WELCOME ALL!!!

I know we've all seen it about a million times, the woman in "sky" high heels, without a care in the world. We all love and envy that woman. Well, it gets to a point when the heel can only be but so fabulous. Then the next thing you know it's unhealthy! I use the term 'unhealthy' becasue as much a you love heels, they can be bad for your feet and lower legs in the long run. So, I ask what type of woman are you?

To be fair, I'm going to introduce you to my little friend, the Ballerina Flat by Chanel. Chanel's Ballerina Flat is timeless and undeniably fabulous. And to keep my promise of keeping you fabulous without breaking your pockets, the Eddie Metallic Flat by Tory Burch is another fabulous choice. 

Which ever ballerina you choose, you can slip them in your handbag for Plan B. I'm not going to mention the hidious sites I've seen when you had no Plan B! You can thank me later!

Have a FAB weekend!

Shakeem Ramel

P.S. Have you told your friends about Grand Life Daily? Remember to spread the word!

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