Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19 - You can't change the game in the ninth inning!

Hey Loves,

When you start a relationship as the booty call or just a "buddy", why do you get mad when after time the relationship has not gone anywhere? Where did you think it was going to go? And guys don't front like it's just the ladies because you get all vulnerable and clingy too! Seriously, stop trying to turn a booty call into something special; there is NOTHING special about it. Come on player, you can't change the game in the ninth inning!

You can't catch feelings and then want a relationship! Yes, a man will sex you every chance you give him, he will listen while you run your mouth on the phone for hours, he may even take you to the movies. All the while, he is just plotting and planning the next time he's going to turn you into his little freak!

And yes, a woman will ask you over, cook you a meal and then kick you out when it's all said and done. She may even let you spend the night, but trust and believe as soon as the sun peaks up she wants you OUT!!! Out before her children comes home; didn't you realize you could only come over when they were not home?!!

The true player knows what it is and mind has not changed; even after for 10 years! And HELL NO, you are not meeting his/her children or parents!!! You are the satisfaction in the middle of the night or day or whenever you do what it do!

Today's Advice: The game is harsh, the clingy and vulnerable are banned from playing!! If you are in search of a real relationship, this game is NOT for you.What looks good is not always good for you!!!


P.S. To the men, don't front like you don't get caught up. You are only fooling yourself and the fool that believes it!


Unknown said...

I totally agree with this blog... Some woman or men set themselves up for a huge disappointment. They go into the situation willing to just be a jump-off or slide but down the road begin to catch feelings & want a relationship. Then get mad when the other person isn't with it! I feel if you gonna play the role then be prepared for whatever consequences come from it. And @ the end don't blame anyone but yourself... SMH

Nadine said...

It is what it is...an arrangement!!! Play your position and stop catching feelings.