Monday, October 31, 2011

Jai Walia: Writer & Director

Director/Writer Jairaj (Jai) Walia was born in New Delhi, India. At 17, Jai realized he wanted to enter the film world when he took a summer course at USC’s film school. The following year he was chosen out of thousands to attend the prestigious TISCH School of the Arts at NYU. By 22, Jai had written and directed an ambitious 16 short films, including In the Foxhole , which premiered in film festivals from New York to Los Angeles and aired on the Hallmark Movie Channel. Now he as graced us all with Pendejo and shares with Grand Life Daily his journey of how he got to this moment in his life.

Grand Life Daily: Tell us a little about yourself personally and creatively.
Jai Walia
: I was born in New Delhi, India, and raised by my grandmother for the first 2 years of my life while my parents pursued the American dream. When my parents finally got situated, they brought me out. Although I essentially grew up in LA, my parents always kept me rooted in our Indian traditions and heritage.

I’ve always been interested in the entertainment industry. I started out acting and then one day tried my hand at directing. I fell in love with being behind the camera and pursued my passion of filmmaking by attending NYU’s TISCH School of the Arts. I love the process of starting with nothing but an idea, then developing it into a movie for people to enjoy. I feel the most comfortable when on set – I thrive on the pressure that comes with filming. And since filmmaking is such a highly collaborative process, you get to work with many interesting and talented people.

Grand Life Daily: What inspires you to write?
Jai Walia:
I was inspired to write Pendejo because it was a story that I knew. The film is loosely based on my life. A professor of mine once told me, “Write what you know.” So when I decided to write a script, I ended up taking his advice and doing just that. I really enjoyed the writing process because I got to exaggerate, scale back, and just have fun with the last 27 years that I have called “my life.” Funny experiences and trying times that I have gone through, in retrospect, seemed like they fit well into a comedy.

Grand Life Daily: What are some of your favorite American films? Foreign films? Television?
Jai Walia: Some of my favorite American films are: The Godfather 1 & 2, The Dark Knight, Transformers, Wedding Crashers, Kill Bill, Good Luck Chuck, Heat, Seabiscuit and the Bourne trilogy. Some of my favorite foreign films are: Love Aaj Kaal (India) and Band Baaja Baarat (India). Some of my favorite TV shows are: The Sopranos, Spartacus, Friends, Seinfeld, Entourage and True Blood.

Grand Life Daily: How did you become interested in film?
Jai Walia: Growing up, I was always performing for people and was involved in my school’s drama department. My Dad convinced me to take a summer filmmaking program at USC after graduating from high school. It was then when I realized my place was behind the camera. I really enjoyed writing a script, shooting it, piecing it together in the editing room, adding music to it, and then playing it for an audience. I found my passion as a writer/director, and have stuck with it ever since.

Grand Life Daily: How do you choose your story lines?
Jai Walia: I choose my story lines by whatever is in my head at that particular time. If I have a drama in my head, I go with that. If it is a comedy, then I write that. Before I start writing, I think to myself, “Is this story worth telling?” “Is this something I would want to watch?” And if so, “How do I make it interesting, appealing and a high-quality product?” I tend to think about how writers and directors that I admire would approach the story, and then I add my own twist to it.

Grand Life Daily: What is your favorite genre of film to write? 
Jai Walia: My favorite genre of film to write is comedy or romantic/comedy. I used to write really dramatic and serious material; but these days I find myself just wanting to laugh and make others laugh. I feel comfortable writing comedies and I plan to follow up Pendejo with another comedic film.

Grand Life Daily: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Jai Walia: I like to spend my spare time with family, friends and my dogs. I have 5 dogs, so they take up a bit of my time and attention. I also love going to movies, restaurants, concerts and mini golfing!

Grand Life Daily: Would you ever consider acting?
Jai Walia: Yes, acting is where I started – and I do enjoy it. I actually had a small cameo in Pendejo. It was fun to slip into the skin of a character and pretend to be them for a few hours. But I feel that there are people who can act and people who were made to act. Some people just have amazing talent and are born to be in front of the camera.

Grand Life Daily: Can you relate to the main character in Pendejo?
Jai Walia: Definitely, he is me. Just an unfiltered, extroverted and much better looking version.  He is what I was a few years ago. I was spoiled and took things for granted, not realizing that one day I would have to get serious and learn how the world really worked. It was fun to write the character of “J.” I could let him take things to the edge – whereas in reality, I can’t do that – and still be safe about it because it’s really not “me.” His character is uninhibited in terms of being politically correct. And he is slightly oblivious to how his actions and words affect the people and world around him. He is naïve. In our story he comes of age and grows up through a series of idiotic choices that somehow help him to grow as a person. I think everyone can relate to that. Growing up, making mistakes, finding the right path, and just generally living life.

Grand Life Daily: You decided to take a break, were you brainstorming this film while you were gone?
Jai Walia: When I took a break from pursuing my film career, I wasn’t doing much of anything. I thought Hollywood would come to me. I was very, very wrong. I just kept saying, “Something will happen. I don’t know what, but something will happen and it will be fine.” That attitude caused me to waste a lot of time; and before I knew it I had dug myself into a hole of inactivity that was very difficult to climb out of. But one day something clicked. I just said to myself, “C’mon Jai! Let’s give this a solid go. Let’s give it an honest and full-blown shot and see what happens.” I sat down and started writing – and the more I wrote, the more I rediscovered my passion for filmmaking. Now that Pendejo is nearly complete, I can’t wait to show everyone.  Making this movie really saved me as a person and got me back on my path. Thank God for Pendejo!

Grand Life Daily: Is there a direct correlation with you seeing your parents work so hard and the main character having to work hard to inherit his father’s company? 
Jai Walia: My parents came to this country with $21 to their name. They had no place to live, no jobs. I have watched them work for every dollar they have earned. Their efforts really showed me what is possible when you have a dream and an undying will to see that dream realized. This definitely translated into the film. Our main character learns that, to accomplish anything in life, effort is required – and sometimes it requires that you change as a person in order to accomplish your goals. In the beginning of the film, “J” is a spoiled kid who loves to party. He has everything: his family’s money, girls, cars, etc. – everything, that is, except the respect of others.

Grand Life Daily: Would you ever consider writing a book?
Jai Walia: I don’t read as much as I should, but there is something about how a book reads and is written that fascinates me. They are so detailed and really allow your imagination to create the images in your head. I really enjoy literature and languages and would love to try my hand at a book someday.

Grand Life Daily: What can our readers expect from you in the future?
Jai Walia: I’m looking forward to doing another romantic comedy. This story will also explore Indian/American culture and love. I don’t know what the title will be yet, but I have already started fleshing out the idea with my collaborators and am really excited about it. This will also be the first time that I am collaborating with two other writers, so it will be interesting to see how that goes. I hope that my next film makes you laugh as much as Pendejo will.